Weeknote 2 - 21 to 27 Sept 2024

What have I been doing?

The week started "somewhat" normally. While our whole junior high team was out for last week's cross country race, our high school team raced pretty well (it was the "SCS II" Invitational). Lyla was still recovering, and many of the other junior highers were sick, so definitely a weird one.

Unfortunately, the sickness saga in our own family hasn't quite completely finished. Last night, L came home from school and was running a fever again, and it seems to have held on through the night so she has a doctor's appointment today to rule out pneumonia or some other secondary infection post-flu.

We had a really, really tough day with P on Monday. Probably a total of 3-4 emotional explosions from her that neither Elaine or I dealt with particularly well. Some days we feel really stuck with her and like we haven't made any improvements at all. And then we feel a little crazy because things get better. Homework and responsibilities are clear triggers for her, so we are trying to continue to work through the "Explosive Child" methodology. It seems that when we stick with it, we see more and more success. When we sort of "fall off" that wagon is when we see regression.

I was able to start running this week again after being sick last week. Although, I think I overdid it a little bit by jumping back into lifting on Monday along with adding mileage starting Sunday. My legs were thrashed for a few days, though I was able to push through and got some 1200m intervals in Thursday.

Still reading: Lore of Running (this one is going to take forever, it's like 900+ pages). I finished Piranesi which was a great, fun, relatively quick read. I also started Moonbound by Robin Sloan this week.

We got a lot of rain at the beginning of the week, which has helped to bring somewhat "fall"-ish weather. That's been such a good respite from mid-to-upper 90s.

What do I need to take care of?

What caught my interest?

I have the unfortunate personality trait of being interested in, well, everything. Things catch my attention really easy, and it's one of the great regrets of my life that I will not be able to pursue all my interests. One week I want to be a woodworker, the next I want to study health and exercise, the next I want to continue down the path of programming.

It also means that I struggle with choosing what interests to pursue in the first place. This is a classic Kierkegaardian problem -- not choosing is choosing, of course.

Nevertheless, I found myself watching videos on building things this week. Mainly guitars and tiny homes.

Daisy Tempest's guitar build series:

Full tiny home build

I am seriously considering pre-ordering a Light Phone III. It looks great, and seems like it would be a great tool for going further down the digital simplicity rabbit hole.

Alan Jacobs: "POS, not POSSE", with a historic quote Louis C.K. quote from Austin Kleon's old Tumblr:

You have your number. It’s very dangerous to be liked by more people than should like you. It’s bad for them, and it’s bad for you. There’s gonna be a shock down the road for them, or you’re gonna dilute yourself and take yourself to a place where you can’t live with who you are. I think that you make an honest account of who you are and you live with the results. The results will be appropriate to who you are.

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