Rolling Stone's Top 200 Hip Hop Albums

Rolling Stone released it's top 200 hip hop albums of all time today. Naturally, it's controversial for the albums it includes, doesn't include, and its placement of some albums above others. For me, I couldn't really care less about their placement. With lists like this, a single ranking above or below another album is pretty subjective. But I'd be willing to say that, given a large group of hip-hop heads, this list is probably pretty close to what a group like that might produced when asked for the best 200 albums.

Me? I'm excited about stuff like this. There is, of course, a ton of stuff in there that I have heard, but even more that I haven't. Inspired by Tyler Huckabee's listening to Rolling Stone's top 500 albums of all time (a perhaps even more difficult task, if there ever was one) in sequence from bottom to top, I think I'd like to do the same. Today I got through:

I'll be working through the albums as much as I can, hoping to expand my experience and knowledge of hip hop. While I love the genre, my experience is generally centered around my favorite 10-15 artists, and I don't listen to a lot of female hip hop artists.

Here's a playlist of my favorites from the albums. Not necessarily a song from every one... I anticipate there will be albums I don't really like all that much.

Tagged: media, hip hop,